City Locations – Windsor Page

Windsor: Free Virtual ClinicNew Ontario patients can now self-schedule online! If you are new to Apollo, from Ontario, and above the age of 19, you can now schedule your appointment...

City Locations – London Page

London: Free Virtual ClinicNew Ontario patients can now self-schedule online! If you are new to Apollo, from Ontario, and above the age of 19, you can now schedule your appointment...

City Locations – Thunder Bay Page

Thunder Bay: Free Virtual ClinicNew Ontario patients can now self-schedule online! If you are new to Apollo, from Ontario, and above the age of 19, you can now schedule your...

City Locations – Barrie Page

Barrie: Free Virtual ClinicNew Ontario patients can now self-schedule online! If you are new to Apollo, from Ontario, and above the age of 19, you can now schedule your appointment...

City Locations – Kanata Page

Kanata: Free Virtual ClinicNew Ontario patients can now self-schedule online! If you are new to Apollo, from Ontario, and above the age of 19, you can now schedule your appointment...

City Locations – Newmarket/Aurora Page

Newmarket & Aurora: Free Virtual ClinicNew Ontario patients can now self-schedule online! If you are new to Apollo, from Ontario, and above the age of 19, you can now schedule...

Anciens Combattants Alpha Page

Découvrez si le cannabis médical vous convient Parlez avec notre équipe de soins aux Anciens Combattants dévoués et nos spécialistes dès aujourd'hui pour réserver votre rendez-vous gratuit ou poser toutes...

Marijuana médicale pour l’arthrite: cela fonctionne-t-il? Blog Post

Reading Time: 3 minutes L’arthrite,caractérisée par des douleurs articulaires, de l’enflure et de la raideur, est une maladie très courante qui compte plus de 100 types différents. Quand quelqu’un est diagnostiqué avec l’arthrite, leur…

Can Medical Cannabis Help Arthritis? Blog Post

Reading Time: 2 minutes Arthritis—characterized by joint pain, swelling and stiffness—is a very common disease with over 100 different types. When someone is diagnosed with arthritis, their treatment will be focused on pain management….

MVA Lpage Page

We will walk you through all the steps to help you get the coverage you deserve, free of charge! If you are suffering from pain, anxiety, PTSD, depression or insomnia,...