Images of CBD products, oils, transdermal patches, honey, etc.

Top New CBD Products in Canada 2022/2023 Blog Post

Reading Time: 7 minutes Since its legalization in 2001, cannabidiol (CBD) has been legally available for medical use in Canada. Since then, the Canadian medical cannabis market has continued to diversify and grow its…

Treating PTSD With Medical Cannabis Blog Post

Reading Time: 5 minutes What is PTSD and who can be diagnosed with it? PTSD or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a result of witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event such as a natural disaster,…

Conditions – Multiple Sclerosis Page

Using medical cannabis for Multiple Sclerosis symptoms Controlled studies have shown medical marijuana to improve muscle stiffness, body pain, quality of sleep and especially spasticity. Its analgesic affects can also help...

Conditions – Parkinson’s Disease Page

Cannabis and Parkinson’s disease Over 100,000 Canadians are currently living with Parkinson’s Disease, which equates to one in every 500 people in Canada. Concurrently, over 6,600 new cases of Parkinson’s...

Emplacements de la ville – Abbotsford Page

AbbotsfordClinique virtuelleSans frais: (877) 560-9195 Télécopieur : (866) 821-0777RÉSERVEZ VOTRE RENDEZ-VOUS Les experts de notre clinique virtuelle apollo-home peuvent vous aider à gérer divers symptômes et conditions Avec ou sans...

Emplacements de la ville – Calgary Page

CalgaryClinique virtuelleSans frais: (877) 560-9195 Télécopieur : (866) 821-0777RÉSERVEZ VOTRE RENDEZ-VOUS Les experts de notre clinique virtuelle apollo-home peuvent vous aider à gérer divers symptômes et conditions Avec ou sans...

Patient Resources Page

Apollo's Process HOW IT WORKS Resources Medical Cannabis Guide DOWNLOAD Consult Referral Form DOWNLOAD Caregiver Consent Form DOWNLOAD Medical vs. Recreational Cannabis VIEW Medical Cannabis Glossary of Terms VIEW Links...

Ressources pour les patients Page

Guide du processus Apollo Télécharger Télécharger Guide du cannabis médicinal Télécharger Formulaire de recommandation pour consultation Télécharger Cannabis médicinal vs récréatif Vue Formulaire de consentement des aidants Télécharger Liens Recommander...

Conditions – PTSD Page

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects 9.2% Canadians and is twice as likely to occur in women as compared to men. The disorder can occur at any age...