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Current Job Openings: The Apollo team is always looking for passionate, driven & motivated members. Is that you? Contact or click below for current opportunities. Cannabis Clinic AdministratorClinical Psychologist...
Cannabis Cbd Oil, Medical Cannabis, Epilepsy

Can Medical Cannabis Treat Epilepsy and Seizures? Blog Post

Reading Time: 3 minutes You may have heard controversial stories in the news about parents giving their epileptic children marijuana to stop their seizures. In one case, a 5-year-old with Dravet syndrome was suffering…

Can Medical Cannabis Treat or Cure Cancer? Blog Post

Reading Time: 4 minutes Prevalence & Description of Cancer Cancer is the leading cause of death among Canadians. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, nearly 1 in 2 Canadians are expected to experience cancer…

Le cannabis médical est-il légal pour les enfants? Blog Post

Reading Time: 4 minutes L’usage du cannabis à des fins médicales gagne en popularité au Canada, car il peut être utilisé pour traiter un large éventail de maladies et de symptômes physiques. La consommation…