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Do you qualify for medical cannabis coverage?

Individuals injured in motor vehicle accidents or personal injuries are at risk of developing chronic pain or psychiatric conditions. These conditions can be debilitating, complex, and difficult to treat. Apollo’s clinical experience and research demonstrates that medical cannabis is a safe, and often more effective, alternative to traditional first line treatments such as opioids or SSRIs. If you are suffering from pain, anxiety, PTSD, depression or insomnia, medical cannabis may be a good option for you.

Clinical Notes & Records

We will work collaboratively with your lawyer to support your case and can provide them with a detailed copy of your related medical record and treatment notes.


Education & Materials

Apollo offers individualized patient education sessions with our patient care specialists. These sessions will familiarize you with our services, medical cannabis treatment, and cannabis medical devices.


Treating Physician & Future Care Cost Reports

Apollo physicians will create a detailed report outlining your current needs as a patient. Apollo can also create an estimate of Future Care Costs to be used in your tort claim. The Future Care Cost report helps ensure your tort settlement accounts for the future cost of your medical cannabis treatment.


Ongoing Support Services

Apollo will track your clinical progress using industry-validated measurements to best inform your ongoing treatment and to make adjustments to your personalized treatment plan.


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Book Your Free Virtual Appointment From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

If You Are:

  • From Ontario
  • New To Apollo
  • 19 or Older
  • Not a Veteran or Motor-Vehicle Accident (MVA) Patient

Please click here to book your free appointment online

If You Are:

  • From a Province Other Than Ontario
  • Or Under 19
  • Or A Veteran or Motor-Vehicle Accident (MVA) Patient

Please click here to schedule your free appointment

Book Your Free Virtual Appointment From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

If You Are:

  • From Ontario
  • New To Apollo
  • 19 or Older
  • Not a Veteran or Motor-Vehicle Accident (MVA) Patient

Please click here to book your free appointment online

If You Are:

  • From a Province Other Than Ontario
  • Or Under 19
  • Or A Veteran or Motor-Vehicle Accident (MVA) Patient

Please click here to schedule your free appointment