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Referring Your Patients To Apollo

Why should I refer if I can prescribe out of my own office?

Any physician who feels comfortable prescribing should definitely help patients, but we find patients usually have many questions that can take time to answer and without administrative support and medical cannabis educators it can become overwhelming. Furthermore, every patient will need to register with one of over 300 Health Canada approved Licensed Producers to be able to obtain their medication, which will require additional support that Apollo can help patients with.

What makes Apollo different from other clinics?

Apollo has been conducting research on medical cannabis since 2013, with three publications in medical journals and a fourth one currently in peer review. Apollo has a team of family physicians as well as specialists such as psychiatrist, anesthesiologist, and pain specialist.

What if I don’t feel comfortable referring?

We are not here to force you but rather to take the burden off you. If you don’t feel comfortable but your patient would like to consider medical cannabis we are here if you would like to give them the chance to learn more about medical cannabis. Still not sure, call or email us for an education session to learn more from one of our medical cannabis experts. You can also read Apollo’s publications for more information.

I have a patient that is only 9 years old, will Apollo be able to see him?

Yes absolutely. We have Health Care Practitioners that are comfortable seeing patients under <18y/o.

I don’t mind referring but the other physicians in my group practice are against it and I don’t want to go against my colleagues.

This is a good opportunity to set up a lunch and learn with one of our medical cannabis experts to allow us to help answer all your questions.

How does Apollo care for patients that are First Responders and Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces?

Apollo is incredibly grateful for the sacrifices made by the brave men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces and First Responders, and as a small token of our gratitude Apollo provides additional 7 days a week support/resources to make sure their experience is completely seamless.

Unanswered Questions?

If we didn’t answer your question, please feel free to drop us a line and ask! We are happy to help in any way.

Why should I refer to Apollo Cannabis Clinics when there are so many cannabis clinics to choose from?

Patients should be referred to clinics that uphold the highest standard of care. We can’t speak on behalf of other clinics, but we can promise you consult notes with full treatment plans to ensure you are kept in the circle of care. Additionally, we assure you that your FHO/FHT access bonus will not be affected and we will provide your patients with professional and expert medical cannabis care, all at no charge to your patient. Our clinic is research focused and evidence-based.

I am not sure if my patient will benefit from medical cannabis and therefore not sure if I should refer?

That’s why our team of Health Care Practitioners will review every patient’s full medical history and provide each patient with a consultation to determine if medical cannabis may be a good treatment option. Just because a patient is seen it doesn’t mean that a medical cannabis prescription is provided. Apollo treats every case individually. Assessment for suitability is part of what we do best!

My patient lives far from all your physical locations.

No problem, we provide telemedicine options to make sure all patients are able to attend their appointment and receive their education without having to commute.

There is not enough evidence available about medical cannabis and the college doesn’t recommend it for all conditions, therefore why should I even consider it as an option for my patients?

If Apollo didn’t give patients the opportunity to learn about medical cannabis as a potential treatment option, we wouldn’t be able to say with confidence that many people have had life changing results. It’s definitely not for everyone and doesn’t help all patients, but we believe it’s a safe option worth considering under the supervision of a medical cannabis health care practitioner, especially if it could potentially make a positive difference in people’s lives.

Book Your Free Virtual Appointment From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

If You Are:

  • From Ontario
  • New To Apollo
  • 19 or Older
  • Not a Veteran or Motor-Vehicle Accident (MVA) Patient

Please click here to book your free appointment online

If You Are:

  • From a Province Other Than Ontario
  • Or Under 19
  • Or A Veteran or Motor-Vehicle Accident (MVA) Patient

Please click here to schedule your free appointment

Réservez votre rendez-vous virtuel gratuit dans le confort de votre foyer

Si vous êtes:

  • Du Québec
  • Nouveau chez Apollo
  • Âgé de 19 ans ou plus
  • Pas un vétéran ou un patient victime d'un accident de la route (AVM)

Veuillez cliquer ici pour prendre votre rendez-vous gratuit en ligne

Si vous êtes:

  • D'une province autre que le Québec
  • Àgé de moins de 19 ans
  • Ou un vétéran ou un patient victime d'un accident de la route (AVM)

Veuillez cliquer ici pour planifier votre rendez-vous gratuit

Book Your Free Virtual Appointment From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

If You Are:

  • From Ontario
  • New To Apollo
  • 19 or Older
  • Not a Veteran or Motor-Vehicle Accident (MVA) Patient

Please click here to book your free appointment online

If You Are:

  • From a Province Other Than Ontario
  • Or Under 19
  • Or A Veteran or Motor-Vehicle Accident (MVA) Patient

Please click here to schedule your free appointment

Réservez votre rendez-vous virtuel gratuit dans le confort de votre foyer

Si vous êtes:

  • Du Québec
  • Nouveau chez Apollo
  • Âgé de 19 ans ou plus
  • Pas un vétéran ou un patient victime d'un accident de la route (AVM)

Veuillez cliquer ici pour prendre votre rendez-vous gratuit en ligne

Si vous êtes:

  • D'une province autre que le Québec
  • Àgé de moins de 19 ans
  • Ou un vétéran ou un patient victime d'un accident de la route (AVM)

Veuillez cliquer ici pour planifier votre rendez-vous gratuit