Apollo Cannabis Clinics offers you a free educational video series where we dive into hot topics in the medical cannabis world today.
We will be hosting a new episode monthly, so make a note in your calendar to tune in! In case you missed our past videos, we are pleased to share them with you below.
If you have a more personal or specific medical question, we encourage you to book a free appointment with one of our Health Care Practitioners through a contactless, virtual appointment by calling toll-free at 1-877-560-9195 or email booking@apolloresearch.ca.
IBS, Crohn’s, & Ulcerative Colitis
There are currently over 270,000 Canadians living with some form of Irritable Bowel Disease. In our sixth educational presentation, we discuss a large topic we see in clinic quite often, GastroIntestinal Issues. Arash Taghvai, an International Medical Graduate and Manager of Clinical Affairs discusses IBS, Crohn’s Disease, & Ulcerative Colitis. He also goes into the science behind medical cannabis and how it may help relieve symptoms including flair ups, inflammation, gut health and pain alleviation.

This episode displays how anxiety and gut health plays an interconnected role, and how CBD may alleviate multiple symptoms at once, and may lead to a more balanced system. Many people think that serotonin is only found in the brain, but there are actually more receptors for serotonin in our gut than in our brains. This means if we are chemically imbalanced, it will affect our flora, neurological tone, and overall digestion.
Arash works to share:
- The differences between UC & Crohn’s Disease
- The differences between IBS vs IBD
- Different diagnoses
- And treatment options for all conditions & symptoms
In the last half of our video, Arash answers questions from patients and followers around dosing strategies, the relation between the endocannabinoid system & IBS, medication replacements, and more.
Please enjoy the video & send us any questions or feedback to Marketing@apolloresearch.ca. See you soon.
While we strive to best answer your questions, we do encourage any personal medical advice to be taken from a medical professional as this is personalized medicine, tailored to you.
Curious about medical cannabis or want to make an appointment? We are taking virtual appointments with Apollo@Home.
Email us at Booking@apolloresearch.ca or call us toll-free at 877-560-9195.