If you’ve heard of CBD oil, it’s probably because you read an article about a parent giving it to a child who suffers from seizures.
Although you may be skeptical about children consuming cannabis products, CBD oil is safe and effective for various conditions—adults and children alike.
CBD (Cannabidiol) oil is a potent cannabis extract that has a variety of medical uses.
The cannabinoid CBD is the second most commonly present compound in marijuana out of over 113.
Many cannabis oils contain the psychoactive chemical THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). However, because CBD oils typically contain little amounts or no THC, they do not make the patient feel “high”.
Since CBD oils don’t have any psychoactive properties, it can be a safer option for some patients. For example, you can feel comfortable knowing the oil won’t make you impaired at work or while driving. This is also why it can be a good choice for children with epilepsy.
How Do I Use CBD Oil?
There are a couple of ways a patient can consume CBD Oil.
- Orally— When you purchase CBD from a licensed producer (LP), it will usually come as a tincture in a dropper bottle. Using the dropper, the patient can drop the amount recommended by their doctor underneath their tongue.
- Oil capsules— CBD oil can be inserted into capsules and taken orally.
- Sprays— Some doctors may recommend CBD oil products that can be sprayed into the mouth and absorbed into the body.
Some brands may use CBD oil to make edibles or creams that can be rubbed into the skin.
CBD Oil Uses
CBD oil may be prescribed for a wide range of ailments. The cannabinoid may be effective to treat:
- Seizures (epilepsy or Dravet Syndrome)— Some parents have reported that CBD oil has dramatically decreased their child’s seizures. Clinical research also seems to show that CBD can help treat children and adults with refractory epilepsy.
- Psychiatric Conditions— A 2011 study found that CBD reduced anxiety in people giving a speech. CBD may also be prescribed to treat bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.
- Pain— CBD can help treat chronic pain, muscle pain or pain caused by arthritis, multiple sclerosis, cancer or spinal cord injuries. In one study, researchers found that CBD significantly decreased inflammation and pain in arthritic rats.
- Neurodegenerative disorders— Researchers are currently studying whether CBD could help patients with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. So far, the results seem promising. A 2014 study conducted on mice found that CBD may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
- Cancer— Although research is still in its early stages, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) says that CBD may help treat cancer’s side effects and symptoms. The cannabinoid may also block cell growth and prevent the growth of blood vessels that supply cancer tumors.
- Alertness— Some studies have shown that CBD is wake-inducing and may help people feel more alert. This effect may help those suffering from sleep disorders such as excessive somnolence (daytime sleepiness).
CBD Side Effects
Compared to THC, CBD has relatively little, if any, side effects.
According to a 2017 scientific review, the most commonly reported side effects of CBD were diarrhea, tiredness, and changes in appetite and weight. However, the authors noted that when compared to the other drugs participants could use to treat their disorders, CBD had fewer side effects.
If you’re interested in trying CBD oil to treat any of the conditions described above (and more), learn more by contacting Apollo Cannabis Clinic. We have treated thousands of patients suffering from a variety of conditions. To schedule an appointment, click here.